Climate change is an existential crisis facing humanity. We have a short amount of time to take significant action - we’re fighting for our lives and those of generations to come.

Technology companies are significant levers for engineering change at pace and scale. A new generation of such companies, led by some bold & pioneering trailblazers, are pulling us into a sustainable future.

We’re optimistic these new technologies can make it cheaper to save the planet than to destroy it. That we can harness human ingenuity and capitalism to re-structure the global economy to sustainability, while continuing to grow it.

Those successful in enabling this will take part in the greatest commercial, investment & economic development opportunity of the 21st century.

Motion Capital is a hands-on venture capital fund investing in founders doing good business by helping the world decarbonise. We back founder-led start-up companies tackling significant commercial opportunities through the avoidance or reduction of emissions.

We’re moving fast and with conviction, working closely with companies and investors to achieve significant climate impact while making serious money doing it.

Ready to grow good?